2014年10月29日 星期三

week2-World Cup 2014

Philipp Lahm: Germany captain retires from internationals

18 July 2014

Germany captain Philipp Lahm has retired from international football after leading his side to victory at the World Cup in Brazil.
The 30-year-old Bayern Munich defender, who can also play in midfield, played 113 times for Germany.
Lahm will continue playing for his club side, where he renewed his contract until 2018 shortly before the World Cup.
His retirement from the national side was confirmed by the German FA (DFB).
"I am happy and grateful that the end of my career with the national team coincides with winning the World Cup in Brazil," he said in an open letter on the DFB website.
Lahm's international career started in February 2004 with a 2-1 defeat of Croatia and ended with the 1-0 win over Argentina in the World Cup final on Sunday.
DFB president Wolfgang Niersbach said: "Philipp called me this morning and personally informed me of this step. I very quickly realized that it was pointless trying to persuade him to reconsider his decision.
"He was not just a superb player for 10 years in the national team, but also a complete role model. I thanked him for everything that he's done for the DFB."
Lahm now plans to focus on the club side that he joined aged 11 and has been captain of since 2011.
"There is hardly a better farewell than to be a world champion at the peak of your career," Bayern chairman Karl-Heinz Rummenigge said.
"But for the national team, it will not be easy to replace Lahm as a player, captain and a man."
Structure of the Lead

  WHO-Philipp Lahm
  WHEN-18 July 2014
  WHAT-Philipp Lahm has retired
  WHY-not given
  HOW-not given

   1. retired:退休
            2. defender:辯護人
   3. confirmed:確認
   4. reconsider:考慮
    5. superb:高超
    6. farewell:告別

2014年10月22日 星期三

week1-Sunflower (Student) Movement

Sunflower leaders protest TAO official's visit

By Joy Lee, The China PostJune 26, 2014, 12:01 am TWN

TAIPEI, Taiwan -- Sunflower movement student leaders Lin Fei-fan (林飛帆) and Chen Wei-ting (陳為廷) yesterday led dozens of people to protest outside the Novotel near Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport against the meeting between Director of the Taiwan Affairs Office (TAO) Zhang Zhijun and Chairman of Taiwan's Mainland Affairs Council (MAC) Wang Yu-chi.
Zhang, as China's most senior official ever to visit Taiwan, arrived on Wednesday to start his four-day trip. Zhang met up with Wang inside the Novotel yesterday afternoon, and over 100 protesters occupied three different exits of the hotel but they were kept from entering by police.
Lin, Chen and other protesters held red cards and yelled out “red card for the meeting of Wang and Zhang” and “complete the legislation for the cross-strait agreement supervisory act before negotiating” outside of the hotel during the meeting yesterday.
Meanwhile, based on the Facebook page of Democracy Tautin, members of the group and the Democratic Front Against the Cross-Strait Trade in Services Agreement stayed in Novotel on Tuesday night, preparing to protest against the meeting of Wang and Zhang on Wednesday.
However, on Wednesday morning, Democracy Tautin said that a group of people in black who claimed to be customer service agents of the hotel broke into the rooms, which triggered an argument.
Democracy Tautin said that the police did not give any reasons for why they broke into their hotel rooms, and police even claimed that their actions were legal which was a lie to cover up their use of violence.
According to Democracy Tautin, they will work harder to stop the government from using inappropriate violent actions and protect Taiwan's future of freedom and democracy.
Official Response to the Incident
Aviation Police Bureau (APB) yesterday said that the hotel manager and security guards were the people who attempted to break into the rooms to ask the guests who refused to register their names to leave.
According to the APB, there were police officers who happened to be at the scene when the security officers of the hotel attempted to enter the hotel rooms by force, so the officers took action to collect evidence, which led to the misunderstanding that police officers intended to break into the rooms.
The two previously met in China's eastern city of Nanjing in February in the first government-to-government talks since Taiwan and the mainland split 65 years ago after a brutal civil war.
Wednesday's visit marks the most senior-level talks between the two sides to take place in Taiwan.
According to Wang, the TAO delegation will meet with his council to discuss the development of cross-strait ties, economic cooperation, regional economic integration and progress on establishing reciprocal representative offices.

Structure of the Lead
   WHO-Lin Fei-fan(林飛帆) and Chen We-ting(陳為廷)
   WHEN-June 26,2014
   WHY-against the meeting between Director of the Taiwan Affairs Office (TAO) Zhang Zhijun and Chairman of Taiwan's Mainland Affairs Council (MAC) Wang Yu-chi
   WHERE-Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport
   HOW-not given

   1. protester:抗議者
   2. Democratic:民主的
   3. mainland:大陸
   4. legal:法律